
Macaulay the Winner

Yep That's why there has been no update.. But to sum it up.. Halfway through the first set when we were up 4-1 and had already had 2, 3 all games. Courtney asked me if this was a no-ad league? Not to be outdone He asked me about a previous point and I thought he was talking about what to do on the next point. Needless to say our "obvious obliviousness" to our situation had no affect on the outcome of the Match ,or that of the Teams outcome this week.

Our Team came through with a 4-1 Victory over the struggling Northeast team. Andy and Arnie in 1st position pulled out a win. It was a tough one. They actually gave up 3 games. On two Courtney and Todd gave up 3 games also but didn't realize it. Court 3 saw Dave getting a win to break the losing streak Todd stuck him with. Dave's partner Mike might have helped. But I wouldn't know because I didn't get a score sheet. Or actually sign one. So even though we won 4-1 who knows what will show up on the league homepage.

Ok so over on 5 Mickey and Jason pulled out a 3 set win with Jason coming off the DL with a rehab start. Then on 4 Tony and Eric had an off week losing as the clock struck 12:30 in 3 sets.

Now it's Time for a men's weekend.. Ideas?? And if you post "A1 match" Then I'll know who u r Adam.

If you don't get it.. read the comment.. you know click next to the little pencil. Damn Editors.

1 comment:

TennisToad said...

Ok it has come to my attention that some of you might not get this weeks title, picture, or other comments. Well to bad, did Salinger dumb down that book about Baseball for you all?

Well I'll be nice cause Mrs Tennistoad is all like huh? and What?

Spoiler alert! Read the following at your own disenchantment.

The title clearly states.. "Call me the Winner"

The Picture clearly announces the fact that Mrs Tennistoad went to a Spa this weekend and Left the Toad Home Alone.

Whatever the rest you don't get just chalk it up to the Fact that I was partying all weekend.