
12 points 2 weeks

Yep That's not only what I unleashed on Ryan in the Fantasy Football SuperBowl, But also what the Team has started to Open at the start of the second half. Starting with a Cushy Home Match against the weaker of the Westford teams. We were able to get our 2nd half win streak started with a perfect 5-0 beat down. We then Traveled to "Yankee land" A.K.A The Willows to tango with their #1 team. Packing a big line up and a little luck we Swept them too.

Now we have another one of the Playoff 4 this week when the #1 Westford team shows up on the blue courts. We lost to them 3-2 in the first half. But the Streak must continue!

Keep the Can Open!

1 comment:

GARY said...

Great posting, i'm looking forward to your upcoming postings.Thanks.