
Comcast - Sports Channel U Suck.

Hey way to ruin the "5th" Grand Slam. There are multiple Fsn channels and you can't move the Tennis to one of the other ones that's showing a 2 week old college lacrosse match? It's ok everybody has a dvr and can tape the tennis at 2am and then watch the compressed 2hr show that ends mid match also. Not to mention that you put it on an HD channel and the feed is worse than the crappy compressed SD version that the Tennis Channel was showing just a day before. But it's not all Comcrap Sports fault, I mean the channel they share with Fox-Sports contractually must let them do this. So let's look at what's scheduled to be on the Comcast sports channel at 4pm today when the Semis including Federer, Murray, Roddick and Nadal are scheduled to be played.

4:00p (PKR) FullTiltPoker.net Million Dollar Cash Game #10
5:00p (PKR) ClubWPT.com #6
6:00p (PKR) Heartland Poker Tour #94 (R)
7:00p (MISC) Best Damn Top 50 Special #69 Sports Bloopers II - Part 1: 50-26

Yep instead of showing Live Semifinal Tennis from the "5th" Major. We get to watch Poker and Sports Bloopers. Wow real sports fan you got there programing your lineup. And I pay for this Crap? Where is ala-cart? Maybe they'll have a last minute change of heart.

Now to just complete their circle of Suck. I got a message from Comcast that they might be dropping the NFL network May 1st. Ok so I asked them if they would be lowering my sports package price and replacing the HDNFL network with the HD TennisChannel. Since I pay for both I should have the choice of which one I want in HD. The answer to both, No. WTH somehow you have the TennisChannel HD in on Demand but your not going to waste space to send it as a channel to the people who actually pay for it and want it.

Yep I'm tired of the crappy Cable company. But they are a monopoly in my town. Thanks Town.

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