
Screw Tennis let's talk Video Games

Ok seriously,,, Why am I not on Scifi's Ultimate gamer show? I'm as good as these people. Just look at my gamer score! Halo 3 ? come on that game is for kids... Where is the Counter strike? Where's the Modern Warfare? Rockband should not be on a show called Ultimate gamer, let alone Dance Dance Revolution. And any driving game that is not created by papyrus should not be on that show. What's on next weeks show? Hello Kitty? It should be called Generic Gamer.

Just messing with you all. This week we traveled to the outer bubble of Cedardale for another home/away match. We are in a battle for the 4th playoff spot. This week we were able to secure 5 out of the 6 points available to us by defeating one of the 3 Willows teams.

Over on the home Court side of the match in position one. TennisCourtney@gmail.com and Arnie pulled out an easy straight set win.
Then over in the away side of the building something weird this way was happening.

On Court 2 Adam and Tim decided that they would practice a little mixed doubles by having Adam play the Deuce side of the court. That is not a good idea. Adam should never see that side of the court, unless he's teaching, then it's ok. The first set ended in a tie-break win for us. Then the second set saw a return to form as Adam returned to the Ad-Side. They proceeded to cruise to a straight set win only giving up 1 game in the second set. For future reference, NEVER PRACTICE MIXED DOUBLES WHILE WE ARE IN A PLAYOFF HUNT.

On Court 3 Todd and Dave gave up only 2 games in the routine straight set win. They did not practice mixed doubles positions. Then over on court 4 Mickey and Chad picked up win #4 for the week. With the speed and experience combination they posses as a team, their opponents had no chance.

Court 5 saw a couple of rookies get pulled up into duty from the b1 team. Starting off shaky they rebounded and made it close in the 2nd set before ultimately falling in straights.

5 Points is good but we should have gotten 6. Injuries and other factors have hurt us severely. Next week we are playing at the Willows. This is another must win match. 6 points is our goal. 6 months of playing comes down to the final 3 weeks. Lets step it up and go 5 for 5 for the next 3 weeks. You want to play in May don't YA ?

Also u could be an Ultimate Gamer (or an old gamer) if you know what game that little guy is from. Post your answer in our Cedardale Tennis Stars Group page on Facebook. The first correct answer gets to be the Groups Ultimate Gamer!

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